速報APP / 教育 / NCLEX-RN Exam 5000+ Questions

NCLEX-RN Exam 5000+ Questions





版本需求:Android 4.2 以上版本



NCLEX-RN Exam 5000+ Questions(圖1)-速報App

NCLEX-RN Exam 5000+ Questions is designed to help you to practice and pass NCLEX-RN Foundation Exam on your first attempt.

This application provides you with up to 5000 questions to enough practice for the NCLEX Examination.

NCLEX-RN Exam 5000+ Questions(圖2)-速報App

You will have efficient features to improve your NCLEX EXAM practice levels.

You have below options to take the NCLEX quiz in an easy way.

NCLEX-RN Exam 5000+ Questions(圖3)-速報App

1.You can directly take this NCLEX-RN quiz depends up on how many questions you want. we have given here 9 types of quizzes.

2. Depends up on your quiz this NCLEX-RN App automatically counts your weak and strong questions.

NCLEX-RN Exam 5000+ Questions(圖4)-速報App

3.You have an option to bookmark questions which you are interested to look after.

4.You can also share a particular NCLEX question with friends through Facebook, whatsapp, twitter,email,... .

NCLEX-RN Exam 5000+ Questions(圖5)-速報App

5.You have timer option available for each nclex quiz.


NCLEX-RN Exam 5000+ Questions(圖6)-速報App

* This NCLEX-RN Quiz Works offline also.

* User friendly.

NCLEX-RN Exam 5000+ Questions(圖7)-速報App

* Comprehensive questions coverage.

* Option to bookmark a question.

NCLEX-RN Exam 5000+ Questions(圖8)-速報App

* Automatically saves your weak and strong questions.

* Sharing questions with any one.

NCLEX-RN Exam 5000+ Questions(圖9)-速報App

* Timer is available

* Attractive view.

You are welcome to give us feedback for this NCLEX-RN App at hariv1105@gmail.com

All the very best for your NCLEX RN exam.

Note: This NCLEX-RN Exam 5000+ Questions app is not created or endorsed by NCLEX-RN.